Please complete All details below to participate/volunteer in the 111BOADRUM Byron Bay:
**Phone No*:
**E-mail address*:*
*Height in cm* (cymbal player only):
**Self-introduction*: (A bit of info about yourself. inc, Who introduced you, or how you found out about this event?
Are you a Boredoms/Boadrums fan? Do you have any musical background?(If not thats OK). etc, etc....)
*How can you participate as 111BOADRUM volunteer staff?*
*Option 1 - Cymbal Player* - arrive in Byron before 9th November and have own cymbal, cymbal stand and sticks. For cymbal player, you are required to sit on the ground for rehearsal as well as for the 90 mins 111BOADRUM live. So, please bring something to sit on the ground for your comfort....
*Option 2 - Set up volunteer staff* - arrive in Byron before 9th November. Warm heart with great strength.
*Option 3 - Lend your Cymbal/Cymbals* - arrive in Byron before 9th November and bring your cymbal,cymbal stand and sticks to lend to 111BOADRUM for use at the event.
*Option 4 - Driver* - helping with BOADRUM members' transportation. Able to attend meeting on 6th, picking up members from the Gold Coast Airport on 7th, drive between the members accomodation to the rehasal venue on 8th-10th, then take members back to Gold Coast Airport on 12th.
Note: You will need to have your own transport to the event.
**Please write below which option you can participate in* (more than one is OK):
*Any other notes, comments or details?*
Please apply by 28th, Octorber, 2011.
All appropriate applicants will be contacted.
Let's join the team to make the miracle moment of 111BOADRUM to happen.
We are waiting for you! |