2010年のサンダンス映画祭やベルリン映画祭でも上映されたSpike JonzeとAbsolut Vodkaのコラボレーション短編映画『I’M HERE』。このショート・ムービーは懐かしさや哀しさを感じさせる、胸がきゅっとしまるような美しい物語。何事もなく静かに淡々と生活をするロボット、シェルダン。そんな彼が、未来へ希望を持つことのできる女の子ロボットに出会う。その後、ふたりは恋に落ちてゆくのだが・・・そう簡単にふたりの恋は、物語は、進んでは行かないのであった・・・。エンディングには哀しい出来事が待っているのだけれど、それがむしろ映画を観る人々にとって希望となってゆくのである。Spikeの現代に対するひとつの回答、メッセージが詰まったショート・ムービーが『I’M HERE』なのだ。本作品には当然多くのアーティストが関わっている。ロボット・デザイナーのSonny、劇を彩るかわいらしい紙製のネズミのインスタレーション・アーティストMeryl、フォトグラファー、ミュージシャン etc、etc。。。そんな彼らをSpikeの言葉や彼らの言葉を様々なスケッチやAdam Kimmelの写真で丁寧にまとめた『THERE ARE MANY OF US』というタイトルの本。この本があることによってさらに、『I’M HERE』を味わいつくすことができるようになっている。また、このパッケージを通してSpike Jonzeが本作品に対して、如何にアツい想いを持っていたのかが手に取るように伝わってくるのである!!
サウンドトラックにはAskaやSpikeの兄弟のSam Spiegel (from N.A.S.A)、Animal Collective、Sleigh Bells、Girls、Of Montreal、Gui Borattoらが参加している。
DIESEL ART GALLERYにて3ヶ月間『THERE ARE MANY OF US』のリリースを記念したアート展が、2011年2月19日(土)〜2011年5月15日(日)で行われる。会場には実際に使われたロボットなど様々な素材が出現する。映画『I'M HERE』とSpikeを体感できる内容!
『I'M HERE』という映画に凝縮されたSPIKE JONZEのイマジネーションを、創作のあらゆる側面と段階を切り取ってマルチ展示するものである。ロボットやクリーチャーの実物およびSPIKE JONZE自身によるスケッチや作品スチールを展示し、『I'M HERE』本編や未公開メイキングの上映も行うなど、オルタナティブやヒップ・ホップムーブメントにSPIKE JONZEがもらたした革新の最新の形がギャラリー空間を埋め尽くす。会場オリジナルグッズも販売。
Release Date : 2011.3.16
Price : ¥5,000 税込
Format : 本(98p,翻訳)+DVD(字幕付)+CD(サントラ)
Catalogue Number : ctrd038
ISBN : 978-4-86119-167-1
JAN CODE : 456014260421
発行 : ヴィズミック株式会社 コントラリード事業部
発売 :
株式会社 アートデイズ 03-3353-2298
株式会社 PCI MUSIC / Knowledge Alliance 03-6268-8611
Spike Jonze
創意にあふれつつも始末に負えないという作風でジョーンズが制作したミュージックビデオは、数々の賞に輝いている。これまでに、ビースティー・ボーイズ(「Sabotage」)、ビョーク(「It's Oh So Quiet」)、ウィーザー(「Buddy Holly」)、ファット・ボーイ・スリム(「Praise You」「Weapon of Choice」)、そしてカニエ・ウエスト(「We Were Once a Fairy Tale」)などの楽曲の映像を手がけている。
Spike Jonze got his start as a photographer in the late 1980s for Freestylin', a skateboarder magazine. That led to a career making short films and music videos in the 1990s, while co-founding Homeboy and Dirt magazines, as well as the company Girl Skateboards.
Jonze earned an Oscar nomination for directing his first feature film, 1999's Being John Malkovich. The success of this film came as his video career was in bloom, and that same year he appeared in a supporting role in Three Kings (alongside Mark Wahlberg and George Clooney), made the news for marrying Francis Ford Coppola's daughter, filmmaker Sofia Coppola, and managed to co-create the lowbrow TV franchise Jackass (with Johnny Knoxville).
Inventive and rambunctious, Jonze has won many awards for his popular music videos, a portfolio that includes The Beastie Boys ("Sabotage"), Bjo¨rk ("It's Oh So Quiet"), Weezer ("Buddy Holly"), Fatboy Slim ("Praise You" and "Weapon of Choice") and Kanye West ("We Were Once a Fairy Tale").
Likewise, he's earned respect in the advertising industry for innovative commercials for the likes of Nike, adidas, IKEA and GAP.
His second feature film, Adaptation (2002), starred Nicolas Cage and Meryl Streep, and his third feature film was an adaptation of Maurice Sendak's book for children, Where the Wild Things Are (2009).
Spike Jonze is a special human. He knows something that a lot of us don't. It's almost like a Spirit guide came to him as a child and said "what ever you do, be in the moment and honestly feel what you are trying to accomplish, don't loose sight of the point." He never did. And never does.
Another one of Spike's greatest secret weapons is to listen to what people have to say and their ridiculous ideas. Even mine. It almost slapped me in the face when it first happened. Internally he may be deciding whether its a good idea or not but still he listens. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is just let everything happen.
When Spike began as a grunt for BMX magazine, (He must have been 9 or something) he had no idea what path lay ahead, but he took care in any task he was given as if he knew it all would lead to where he is now. If they asked him to pump up a red snake belly tire seated in a Skyway Mag Wheel he would say "check it out, I think its perfectly done" and he would spin it on his finger and then try and ride it away like a unicycle through the office and succeed. This led to taking sick photos for the magazine.
I don’t think Spike thought of the future at any time he was always right there in the moment of that photo or even ramp trick he was performing himself.
Years later same thing. Gearing up for a fat boy slim video in Westwood California never forgetting how fun it is to be there getting ready to dance in front of a crowded theatre. Probably only thinking about how fun it is going to be to just Dance... and that’s it. If the theatre employee pushed stop on the recorder Spike would push play. Not angry, nothing just push play again and dance.
Sonny Gerasimowicz (Robot Designer)
by Spike Jonze
Sonny Geris is an orphan. Born of unknown descent in the high desserts of Barstow. He has roamed the world in search of his true identity and purpose. A man always in flux, the only time his mind felt at peace was the one time he did heroin. It made him very angry that heroin was so good. Oh, I guess he also finds momentary peace right after sex. His mind is quiet for about 30 seconds before it starts back up into the hum of self-doubt and self-flagellation. Ummmm...and he's an artist I suppose. Sonny Geris loves drawing women's asses and sad bears.
Ever since I was a little kid, art was the thing I did all the time. I never set out to be an artist; I still don’t set out to be one. It’s just an intrinsic part of who I am.
I was an art major at NYU when I was introduced to window screen. I was taught how to make a sphere. I thought, if I can make a sphere, I can make any object. So I just started making animals out of different materials. And that’s still what I do: I make animals that have different coverings for skins. It’s sort of my signature thing, to make animals out of anything. So I bet Spike thought, “Who can make animals out of tissue paper? I bet Meryl can do it.”
Aska Matsumiya (Singer, Songwriter, Artist)
ソロ・アーティストとして活動を始めるまでは、自身が作曲と演奏を手がけるコンセプチュアル・アート・バンド、サッズだけでなく、さまざまなバンドに参加していた。ギャラリー・インスタレーションとしてサッズは、アートバーゼル・マイアミビーチ、パレ・ド・トーキョー美術館(パリ)、ジャーナル・ギャラリー(ニューヨーク)など欧米各地で演奏。また、ベッキー・スターク (ラベンダー・ダイアモンズ、 ディセンバリスツ) と共に率い、アスカが作曲・編曲・演奏を担当する30人編成の女声コーラスグループ、L.A.レディース・クワイアは、今年の7月にティーンエイジティアドロップ・レーベルよりデビューアルバムのリリースが予定されている。
今年9月には、 ソロとして初のEP『There Are Many of Us (A面) / Almost There (B面)』をマニマル・レコードからリリースする。コラボレーターとしてニック・ジナー (ヤー・ヤー・ヤーズ) 、フリー (レッド・ホット・チリ・ペッパーズ)が参加するほか、ニック・デゥイット(プリティ・ガール・メイク・グレイヴス)、ラッキー・ドラゴンズ、 キティー・ジェンセン、ネイサン・セレン (ムーンラッツ) 、そしてマネー・マークら錚々たるアーティストたちがゲストとして名を連ねている。
アスカは、スパイク・ジョーンズ監督の短編映画『I'm Here』の主題歌を作曲した。
Aska is a classically trained pianist with a disarmingly ethereal voice, her cosmic presence spanning the Los Angeles art music scene through an eclectic range of projects.
Before embarking on her own as a solo artist, Aska played with several bands, as well as writing and playing in the conceptual art band The Sads. As a live gallery installation, The Sads have performed throughout Europe and the US, at Art Basel in Miami, Palais de Tokyo Museum in Paris, and The Journal Gallery in New York. Alongside Becky Stark (Lavender Diamond, The Decemberists), Aska composes, arranges and performs in the 30 member, all-girl L.A. Ladies Choir, whose debut album comes out this July (Teenage Teardrops).
Aska's first EP will be released from Manimal Records this September with a single, "There Are Many of Us" (A-side) / "Almost There" (B-side). Collaborators includes Nick Zinner (Yeah Yeah Yeahs) and Flea (The Red Hot Chili Peppers). The record also includes other guests such as Nick Dewitt (Pretty Girl Make Graves), Lucky Dragons, Kitty Jensen, Nathan Thelen (moonrats) and Money Mark.
She also scored a short film for Spike Jonze entitled "I'm Here."
Aska's self-titled full-length record is slated for release this February.